
The blind and the lame came to him at the temple, and he healed them. But when the chief priests and the teachers of the law saw the wonderful things he did and
the children shouting in the temple area, "Hosanna to the Son of David," they were indignant.
Matthew 21:12-15 (NIV)
The prophecy in yesterday's scripture said that the King would come on a donkey and we would know him as a gentle ruler. What is the image we see now, when we read about his cleansing of the temple which occurred after his arrival in Jerusalem?
There's no mention here of the Pharisees being upset with Jesus for clearing out the corruption which they had allowed in the temple. However, they were very upset about his gentle acts of care and attention given to the poor and the sick. They couldn't bear to see him perform tender healing and how the children adored him. Here was Power the Pharisees would never possess through their laws and judgment--power to heal sorrow and sin, power to claim the hearts of the people.
Most powerful God,
Sometimes when you're cleansing the space in our hearts by overturning our worldly desires for power and position, it causes us discomfort and unease. We wonder if you might be a little more gentle. Help us remember that such holiness as yours doesn't compromise in matters of truth and goodness. Teach us to cling only to that which is rewarded in your kingdom, now and forever. Heal us with your gentle touch. Claim our hearts!
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