Tuesday, March 31, 2015





Jesus replied, "the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified."
"Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say?  'Father, save me from this hour'? 
No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour.  Father, glorify your name!"
John 12:23, 25-28 (NIV) 
Engaging with the scriptures can expand our thinking. Does thoughtfully reading verses such as these evoke a range of emotions in you such as:
Great admiration?  Jesus continues steadfastly toward the cross.
Awe?  Do you experience a shift toward seeing Jesus more clearly, not only as the man of God, but also as the Christ, Son of God?
Deep sorrow?  We know the cruel death He faces; we know the pain and depression those who love Him are going to suffer at his death.
Anger?  After all, "Even after Jesus had done all the miraculous signs in their presence, they still would not believe in Him."  John 12:37
Would you say that Jesus became frustrated or disgusted with people?  Was He scared?  Did He worry?  What is a "troubled heart," and have you experienced it?  Do you think Jesus still carried all these emotions by the time he reached the Cross?            
Jesus taught that God is Love, unconditional and selfless.  He told the apostles that He was in the Mind of God and the Mind of God was in Him. Do you suppose his fears became fully contained within a Peace greater than the world can ever understand?
It's good to taste the scriptures and let the words become food for inner thought!


Holy God,
As we walk with Christ through the precious and important days of Holy Week, may our sorrow and concern for all those who suffer in this world, all those who are hated and persecuted, be channeled into prayer and peaceful actions for justice.  Let the power of your Spirit console us with the knowledge of your sheltering love as we take up crosses of our own.  May we always keep our eyes and hearts set upon You, just as your Son did.

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